to are-you-ever@looking.com25/02/2016 2:33 pm
he hasn’t seen the light like this in so long.
I think the afternoon is when the sun
decides that it needs to shed its layers.
this is when the sun hasn’t quite
decided to fall in love,
or the moment before it realizes
that there is no decision.
you have fallen in love
I missed your afternoon light
the leaves and the bare shoulders
and the children playing soccer in the grass
and I have also missed your pinks and oranges and
the purples you have decided to color your world with.
I miss knowing the way the light
fell across the grass onto your crossed legs
here there is only the hard morning
kicking through last night’s water droplets
and the night
the sting of the cold against my ankles
and the moon.
I wonder if you’re ever looking
when I am.